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Kate Erickson

Creator, Engager, and Implementer at Entrepreneur on Fire!
As the implementer over at EOFire Kate runs the "back end" of their massive 7 Figure business. Kate specializes in content creation and creating systems and strategies to make the business more efficient. She's the host of Kate's Take, which is an audio blog to give a weekly behind the scenes peak of Entrepreneurs On Fire. 

EO Fire has been inspiring millions to take their own entrepreneurial leap. And in this episode we breakdown:

  1. What motivated Kate to take the entrepreneurial leap!
  2. How she aligned her passions and skills into her business
  3. A step by step strategy to take your idea and start a business of your own!
  4. How to get people to pre-pay for a product as proof of concept BEFORE you create it!
  5. Plus some TOP productivity hacks to keep you organized and crushing your goals!
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